Our ambition Code Of Conduct Enviroment Quality Owner Sponsorship/CSR



A-plast follows the call according to the UN’s Global Compact to, within its sphere of influence, stand behind and act on the basis of the number of core values.

Human rights

-Principle 1:

A-plast shall support and respect internationally recognised human rights and

-Principle 2:

ensure that they are not involved in human rights violations.

Working and employment relationships

-Principle 3:

A-plast shall maintain freedom of association and effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining,

-Principle 4:

the abolition of all forms of forced labour,

-Principle 5:

the effective abolition of child labour and

-Principle 6:

discrimination in employment and occupation.


-Principle 7:

A-plast shall support the precautionary principle as regards environmental risks,

-Principle 8:

take initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility and

-Principle 9:

encourage the development and dissemination of environmentally friendly technologies.


-Principle 10:

A-plast shall combat all forms of corruption, including extortion and bribery.